Why a Therapist is Your Best Tool in Your 20s

Your 20s are an exhilarating yet often overwhelming decade. You’re at the crossroads of youth and adulthood, with the pressure to find your path, build your future, and somehow enjoy every moment. The reality, though, is that this decade can feel like a rollercoaster, with high highs and low lows, where the decisions you make can shape the rest of your life. This is why having a therapist can be a life-changing tool in navigating this defining decade, even if you have the most amazing and supportive parents and friends!

Navigating Identity and Independence

In your 20s, you’re exploring who you are and who you want to become. You’re having to push past societal pressures and familial expectations to discover and establishing your identity. You might feel torn between following a path laid out by others or carving out your own. A therapist offers a safe, non-judgmental space to explore these feelings, so you can make choices and take action that aligns with your authentic sense of self, your values, and your goals.

As a holistic therapist, I consider all aspects of your being—mind, body, and spirit. I recognize that your identity is shaped not just by your thoughts and experiences but also by your physical and emotional well-being. I use somatic (body-oriented) practices, mindfulness practices (like meditation, breathwork, and yoga), and integrative approaches (like energy healing and therapeutic touch) to help you tune into your body’s wisdom, so you can discover the gold that’s buried under layers of societal conditioning and external influence.

Healing Old Wounds

Many of us carry the weight of past experiences into our 20s, whether from childhood, adolescence, or previous relationships (with parents, romantic partners, teachers, coaches, or friends). These unhealed wounds can impact self-esteem, future relationships, and overall well-being. In therapy, we can work through the imprints left by these past experiences, so you can free yourself from patterns that no longer serve you and experience relief if you suffer from things like depression and anxiety.

Building Healthy Relationships

Your 20s are often a time of evolving relationships—romantic partnerships, friendships, and family dynamics all shift as you grow. As you change, so do the dynamics you share with the people in your life—sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Learning to navigate these changes, set boundaries, and communicate effectively is crucial for your emotional health and sense of self. A therapist supports you in getting clear on what you want, asking for what you need, and building healthy connections now and in the future.

Managing Life Transitions

Whether it’s graduating from college, starting your first job, moving to a new city, or navigating major life decisions, your 20s are full of transitions—maybe more than any other decade! It’s the first time you’re navigating so many changes while also having a clearer sense of who you are, what you want, and what you like—unlike when you were a child, and your parents had a bigger influence on how change affected you. These transitions, while exciting, can also be incredibly anxiety-inducing and overwhelming. Therapy provides a space to process these changes, receive support, explore your feelings, and develop coping strategies so that you’re not just surviving these transitions but thriving through them with a sense of purpose and inner peace.

As a holistic therapist, I can help you not only navigate these external changes but also support the internal shifts that come with them. I might incorporate practices like meditation, breathwork, and movement of your choice to help you stay grounded and centered during times of uncertainty. These are tools that most adults don’t have and wish they did! Learning them now gives you a massive advantage, equipping you with skills that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Laying the Foundation for a Fulfilling Future

The choices you make in your 20s have a lasting impact on your future. There’s a reason this is called the “Defining Decade”—and that shouldn’t scare you, it should motivate you to absolutely crush it year after year. I’m sure you’ve heard adults say that changing gets harder and harder as you get older—let me tell you, they’re correct. Until about 22-25, your brain is still super flexible, which means it’s much easier to make changes (and don’t worry if you’re 25+ reading this … you can absolutely make changes too and it won’t be as hard as it is beyond 30). Use this time in your brain development to your advantage!

Going to therapy during this time is about more than addressing what’s happening now—it’s about laying the foundation for a life you love. A life where you love your work, earn enough to do what you want, share it with people you love, and feel great in your mind and body—a life you don’t need to escape from. A therapist can help you clarify your goals, overcome obstacles, and take intentional action toward your dreams.

Your 20s are not the time to play it safe or stay small—these years are meant for taking risks, making mistakes, and discovering who you truly are. Having a therapist by your side creates a safe space for you to do all of these things, knowing you’re not alone when you feel lost or feel like you’re failing.

Ready to work CO-CREATE a life you absolutely love? Let’s talk!




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